Veel Gestelde Vragen
Hey there! Too bad that you did not find an answer to your question on our website. We are more than happy to help you. Unfortunately, we can't answer all questions by email. Please read these frequently asked questions or take a look at one of the options mentioned on the left side of the page.
As of the 1st of July 2021, the European Union will have new rules regarding the VAT that needs to be paid on products shipped to countries inside the European Union. From this date you will be charged with your National VAT rate, the product price will be increased in case your National VAT rate is higher than our National VAT (which is 21%), and decreased if your National VAT is lower than our National VAT. This will be calculated based on the country your order will be shipped to.
For more information, we advise you to take a look here:
Customers outside the European Union will remain to be exempt from VAT.
Orders placed during national holidays or weekends will be shipped the first following regular business day.
National Holidays (2024) outside of weekends:
Dutch national holidays | Date |
New Year's Day | January 1 |
Good Friday | March 29 |
Easter Monday | April 1 |
King's Day | April 27 |
Ascension Day | May 5 |
White (Pentecost) Monday | May 9 |
Christmas Day | December 25 |
X-Mas Boxing Day | December 26 |
Change/add something to your order?
In case your order has not been shipped yet, you can contact us at [email protected]. Please provide all personal details and order number for fast handling. We can remove items and refund the cost on the same day, adding an item is also possible, but your order won’t be shipped until the complete payment has been processed.
In case the order has already shipped, we, unfortunately, can’t add or remove anything.